There are several good pieces of news to report:
(1) Former postdoctoral fellow Patrick Mitchell has been announced as an HHMI Freeman Hrabowski Scholar. This will provide significant support for his new and rapidly growing lab at the University of Washington. Congrats Patrick!

(2) We have just welcomed a new graduate student to the lab, Bianca Parisi. Bianca will be working on a collaborative project with the lab of Filipa Rijo-Ferreira at Berkeley. Bianca grew up in Italy and attended UCSD for her undergraduate studies. She then completed a Master’s degree in Sue Kaech’s lab at the Salk. We are thrilled to have her join the lab!
(3) More good news: Our current second year PhD student, Charlotte Langner, has passed her qualifying exam! The lab threw Charlotte a fantastic party with a circus theme, in honor of Charlotte’s passion for acrobatics. See photo below.
(4) And last but not least, two of our current postdoctoral fellows (Kevin Eislmayr and Stefan Fattinger) have each recently welcomed new members to their families. Baby Eli Eislmayr was born in November 2022, and Baby Anea Fattinger was just born a few days ago! The future of science is looking bright 🙂